Printing in the digital age

In the digital age, selling goods and services through online channels is increasingly popular. Conversely, goods sold through offline-stores declined significantly especially in small business shops with limited budget. This has caused merchants to invest in online channels instead of traditional offline-stores. However, some good and effective marketers believe that in the digital age, where technology has significantly evolved, It is now easier to promote stores, goods, and services with promotional products to boost sales higher than before.

Today we will explain “How online merchant use printing to increase sales.” There are three main ways:

Printing helps increase sales

1. Increase the channels

Selling products and services online helps you connect with customers around the world. Customers can access your storefront search site worldwide, anywhere and anytime. There are many social platforms in the digital age that help merchants and customers meet each other easily. However, printed promotional products are still the crucial channel that help merchants reach specific target customers. Merchants who promote products only through online channels will have limited customers. Therefore, adding more channels to promoting stores, products and services can help you boost sales. It also helps to reach more new customers easily as well. To market effectively, it requires a good marketing plan, with consideration of the right marketing channel that is suitable for the products and customers’ target. For example, if your customer group is a senior group that does not do a lot of online activity, selling and promoting products online to this group will not be so effective. So, printed promotional products are the right channel for your brand that can help you communicate with them.

Poster helps increase sales

2. Take advantage of consumer behavior

In the digital age, it is not only the technology that has changed but, also consumer behaviors. Some customers are not interested in online media and do not care about technology. This is especially true for local customers in rural area who repeat their daily routine. This is the crucial spot that printing can take advantage of from these consumer behaviors. For example, a customer has to walk passed the front door of a grocery store every morning to get to work. When the customer returns from work, it is inevitable that the customer has to pass the grocery store again.  This is what the print media can benefit from - the everyday behavior of consumers. If you place a poster or promotional poster anywhere in the path, the customer will be exposed to it repeatedly every day. It will help create awareness and reaffirm the brand, products, and services in the end. Also, in the future, customers are more likely to choose your service or buy more products eventually.

Packaging helps increase sales

3. Create brand image

Everyone likes beautiful things. This definition is applicable to all ages even in the digital age. Printing products that are beautifully decorated can help create a professional and trustworthy image, even if you are a merchant selling products online. For example, the packaging or product wrapping that is designed and decorated with the brand’s logo, not only would it make the product unique, but it also can stimulate customer purchasing behaviors by making the brand and products become more valuable. Customers will find the products valuable and deserve to be bought. And in the future, there are opportunities that customer will buy more of the products. These print media can always impress and motivate customers purchasing behavior. In addition, good quality publications can also reflect the quality and standard of the product as well. High quality printings will show that the brand owner cares and is ready to take care of the customer. This will impress customers and they will love the brand. Next time, when they want to buy something, they will think about your brand first.

And that’s it! This blog explains "How online merchant use printing to increase sales." So, to the marketers or anyone who plans to open an online merchandise shop, make sure that you have a good business and marketing plan. Also, you have to use methods and marketing channels that are consistent with the target customers. It will boost sales. For those who are interested in printing publications, do not forget to use our service from Gogoprint. We guarantee that your printings will be in high quality and help boost your sales. Again! Do not forget to share this great article with your friends. See you in the the next article.